Thursday, November 27, 2008

Random Thoughts

  • Live each day and each moment to its full. Who knows what awaits you next.
  • I see things in life as either a challenge or pleasure. You either enjoy doing it or fight it until you win or lose.
  • If you are successful in life, thank Allah for the same. If you fail, learn from your mistake and have patience.
  • Everything in life happens for a reason God knows the best. So, try to see the positive side of it. Be an optimist.
  • Life is not always a piece of cake. It can be spiced up a bit, but make sure to enjoy it.
  • I leave my footsteps wherever I go. Be it sand or rock. If your mind is like sand, you would have washed it away. If it is like a rock, you'll find it engraved somewhere.
  • Have you ever thought about what is happening within our body? Who has the ultimate control over it? Yet, we are proud and haughty.
  • When you do something, do it with pure intentions and for the sake of Allah. 
  • Light Humor:
When things go wrong............
When sadness envelopes you heart.........
When tears gush out of your eyes.....
Think of me......
I'll be there for you........
'coz I'm selling tissues, buy 1 get 1 free ;)
  • You are what you want to be.
  • Life is a drawing without an eraser.
  • When life shuts one door on you, it opens another one behind. If not, always remember there is a hallway.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Beautiful Inside Out

This is one thought that I've always had and wanted to share. What is the definition of beauty or being beautiful? Is it just being physically beautiful? Or does it have to do with something internal impact?

God creates everyone with different features. Some have very unique and attractive features, whereas others have simple and plain features. Some might be dark, others light. Different colors for the eyes, different types of noses, height, weight, etc. Do our physical features really depict our beauty? If one is born with a defect, can we call that person ugly? We don't have control over our God given physical features, so why lament over it and feel bad about it? (I'm not thinking about people who do plastic surgeries and stuff. You need money for that!!) People around us will accept us, if we truly are beautiful. Not beautiful in looks, but beautiful in Character.

I believe, that since we don't have the absolute ability to control our looks, why not beautify our character? I doesn't cost a penny and it doesn't hurt anyone. It makes us happy as well. Also, if we have a truly content mind, it reflects on our health and our looks. Looking healthy, makes people around us happy and attracted to us. A person with beautiful character and conduct is reverred by everyone. 

Being beautiful is having a good character, no matter what you look like. Your character is something you can control, so you can be beautiful. Even if people might shun you sometimes for the way you look, your beautiful character can truly move them.

Remember, "Beauty lies in the eyes of the Beholder"

"If wealth is lost, nothing is lost.
  If health is lost, something is lost.
  If character is lost, everything is lost."

Friday, November 7, 2008

Tequila and Salt

This should probably be taped to your bathroom mirror where one could read it every day.  

You may not realize it,  but it's 100% true.  

1. There are at least two people in this world that you would die for.  

2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.  

3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.  

4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you.  

5. Every night,  SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.  

6. You mean the world to someone.  

7. You are special and unique.  

8. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.  

9. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.  

10. When you think the world  has turned its back on you take another look.  

11. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the rude remarks.  

And always remember.... 
when life hands you Lemons,  
ask for Tequila and Salt and call me over!  

Good friends are like stars........ 
You don't always see them,  
But you know they are always there.  

"Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway"  

I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a friend while I'm here than a whole truck load when I'm gone.  

"Why don't we stop and smell the flowers"?  

See how many "bouquets" you end up with! 

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Things within our Reach

Why do we always yearn for things that are beyond our grasp?
Why aren't we satisfied with our day to day life?
Why are people greedy?

When we think that we are blessed, we will stop being greedy.
Even if we are penniless, it is a blessing to be healthy.
Even if our mind is filled with sorrow, it is a blessing when we have someone to talk to.
Even if we couldn't treat ourselves to the last dessert, it is a blessing to have eaten something.

Remember in this world, we are lucky to have eyes to see....
Hands to touch, feel and write.....
Legs to walk.....

We are lucky to know how to read and think,
Choose what is right for us.

Just remember we are more blessed than a multitude of people living in this world, who can't even read, who don't even have the basic necessities of life.

There is nothing to worry about when you truly understand that you are blessed. Just keep a patient mind, calm temper and enjoy the things around you. Your day will be bright and great!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Realizing our Dreams

We all are human beings and we love to dream. We dream about where we want to be in life and what we want to do. How can we realize our "realisitic" dreams? What is a realistic dream?

I'm not sure what exactly I can say about realistic and unrealistic dreams. 'Coz as time changes, so does our advancement. When 200years back, people rediculed at the idea of flying, now flying to the moon is a reality. What we make out of our dreams is our definition of realistic dreams. There are times when we ourselves can be surprized by our capability. Sometimes, what we do is beyond our expectations, leave alone others. Only Allah knows what we can produce and what is hidden within us.

There are 3 things, which I feel are important, that helps us in realizing our dreams. 
  • Motivation
  • Inspiration
  • Encouragement

To realize our dream we must be self-motivated. It must come from within us. We have our own, special talents, unique to each of us. The luckiest person is the one who is able to understand his/her own talent and strive forward to realize it. There are people who are multi-talented as well, for them it is usually a dilemma to select one path or all paths. There are people whose talents are hidden so deep that, in the long journey of life, they will eventually realize it. Just believe that it is never too late to realize them and to be motivated. You can also find motivation from people or things around you. Just keep your eyes open and the road will guide you.

Ok, now that you've been motivated, how to move ahead? You need someone or something to inspire you. There are people all around you and lots of things around you. You feel, you are the only important thing in this world, but isn't that just a mirage? When we think of ourselves as a very little thing compared to the universe, we allow the words and gestures of people around us to have a say in our lives. Sometimes, the innocent smile of a baby can inspire you. At other times unexpected help from someone will inspire you and in many other occassions, your family tends to be your biggest asset in inspiring you. When we are on life's journey, an unexpected turn of events can be an eye opener. Being an optimist can be a big asset.

This is one of the most essential things for us to be able to realize our dreams. Encouragement. Some people only need a very little encouragement to move forward, whereas the others need encouragement from the very beginning. There are people who needs encouragement even to dream. We have an idea, but to put that idea into action, we need help from others. Others can either ridicule you or motivate you to move forward. Just remember that most of the famous artists died poor since people thought that they were insane. It is only after their death that their works were valued. For me, just looking at the sky gives me encouragement. If it is sunny, the day will be bright. If there are clouds, there will be rain or it will be cool to walk. Another thing is that if we are encouraged, we feel we will be able to put our all into it and are happy to do what we want. There are people rooting for you and they want to see you grow.

Realizing our dreams is not easy. It needs perseverance and patience. But if you have the feeling deep down your heart that you can do it, then remember "You really can DO it" !!!