Friday, July 30, 2010

An Obsession, A Fascination

Quite often, there might be somethings that we could get obsessed with. No matter how much you want to let it go, you can't, you just keep returning to it. There could be something intriguing about it, which is difficult to explain and something magical that draws you towards it. For some this obsession can be temporary while for others, they tend to be obsessed with the same thing their whole life.

Temporary obsession, though prominent among a lot of people, is hardly noticeable, as people get off their obsession quite fast. Can this be called a fascination? I'm not sure...... Temporary obsession for songs, artifacts, hobbies, etc....I seem to be quite obsessed with a lot of things lately that I find it hard to keep a track of myself. But then, you've only got one life to live, so why not diversify your obsession ;) ?