Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Things within our Reach

Why do we always yearn for things that are beyond our grasp?
Why aren't we satisfied with our day to day life?
Why are people greedy?

When we think that we are blessed, we will stop being greedy.
Even if we are penniless, it is a blessing to be healthy.
Even if our mind is filled with sorrow, it is a blessing when we have someone to talk to.
Even if we couldn't treat ourselves to the last dessert, it is a blessing to have eaten something.

Remember in this world, we are lucky to have eyes to see....
Hands to touch, feel and write.....
Legs to walk.....

We are lucky to know how to read and think,
Choose what is right for us.

Just remember we are more blessed than a multitude of people living in this world, who can't even read, who don't even have the basic necessities of life.

There is nothing to worry about when you truly understand that you are blessed. Just keep a patient mind, calm temper and enjoy the things around you. Your day will be bright and great!!!

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