Friday, July 10, 2009

Tsubaki's Dilemma - Part I

This is my first attempt at writing a short story. Could have instances related to real life or some stories, but I don't mean offence to anyone nor do I mean to copy anyone's story. Feel free to criticise and comment. All suggestions are welcome. I could put on the anonymous option for commenting as well. Have fun reading. YOSH!! Here I go.

Tsubaki's Dilemma

She knew she was different. Her sister used to always tell her, " Onee-chan, you are physically girl and mentally boy!!" She used to brush it aside saying, "Maybe. There is a saying that goes, don't ask a woman her age and a man his wage. Now you can ask me neither!"

Now, Tsubaki was really questioning herself. It has been more than a year since she has been working. She had always worked part-time, be it during high school or during university. She loved the financial independence she gained that way, so she didn't have to ask her parents for pocket money to buy books, accessories and all. The job she landed in was also quite a good one, what else would an acer from TouDou land in? On the surface everything might seem smooth for the others, but Tsubaki was thinking of moving out by herself, to stay at an apartment close to her work place. At 25, this was quite common in Japan, but for Tsubaki, her ties with the family was quite strong and not being able to return to her home, to her Okaa-san, after a tiresome day at work seemed quite lonely.

But no matter what, she had to move. She had late office shift these days and add to it the traffic she reached home quite late. And the project she was working on these days was quite demanding. She had managed her own finances and had always made her own decisions, be it regarding her future career or studies and also offered her suggestions to her Otou-san regarding his business. So, well, she considered herself a good son. She did cook a little bit, if instant noodles are included in that list and helped her Okaa-san with some household chores. But Okaa-san still didn't trust her to manage the house by herself. So, is she a failure as a daughter? But her Otou-san used to tell her, 'My dear, it is easy to cook. It is only getting the things ready and the aftermath of cooking that is tedious.'

Not only this, now her grandma was moving in with her parents and she couldn't really stand her grandma's talks. Not that she hated her grandma, but these days all her grandma talked about was to get Tsubaki married. She loved her grandma otherwise, they had the healthiest relationship ever. Ever since grandma's neighbour's daughter got married at 22, she had been pestering Tsubaki's mother to get her married. So that is another reason to move out.

Tsubaki didn't consider herself a marriage material. Not that she hated men, but men seemed to be intimidated by her. At TouDou, she was the acer and most people looked at her with awe. Well, it was more like she seemed to be in a different world than others. She couldn't really call anyone her friend and unlike her sis, Yuki, she wasn't the social and outgoing person. Yuki was always surrounded by friends, she always got phone calls and she was a happy-go-lucky person and she was very girly. Tsubaki was a very reserved and shy person, but she had the thirst for knowledge and her curiosity always got over her shyness.

Now, she was sitting in her room, had packed all her things. The movers would come to pick her things up tomorrow. She felt sad to leave her house and wondered how she'd manage. Her Onii-chan had managed staying by himself beginning from his university days. So she thought she would be fine. But it was getting into her. Then suddenly, her cell phone rang, an unknown number. "Moshi Moshi. Tsubaki speaking. Who is this?" After hearing the voice, she smiled. She knew who it was.

To be continued......

Onee-chan -Elder sister in Japanese
TouDou - Tokyo University
Okaa-san- Mother in Japanese
Otou-san - Father in Japanese
Moshi Moshi - Hello (for phone calls)


  1. To complete the glossary..

    Tsubaki - "Safa" in Japanese???!!! :)

    I tot of posting an anonymous comment to prevent a backlash... but never mind ;)

  2. Nopes....Tsubaki has some of my traits, but not me!!
