Friday, August 12, 2011

Creative Thinking

Quite often, I've opened up my blog, to begin blogging and write the thoughts that crossed my mind, a few hours ago, or a few days ago, but couldn't get the flow or the contents of what I wanted to write, except the title. So, I have quite a lot of saved posts, with just the title and to this day, some of them are haunted and some of them, which I did complete are sub-standard compared to the ideas that I had initially.

Surprisingly, most of the thoughts or ideas, come to me when I'm in the shower *rolling eyes*. Well, yes, sometimes, I would think, how much better it will be if we had a water proof laptop! Well, no, I don't like reading from the bathroom. I prefer my living room couch or bed for that. If you have followed my blog for sometime now, you must have guessed I'm quite a romantic (I don't mean romantic as in relationship, but in a dreamy sense), an occasional poet and artist. Sometimes, I just get the flow of words for the poem and I just have to sit there without thinking much and it just types out. Same goes with drawing, I just take a book and pencil and the idea for sketches come on its own. But I'm quite a novice at both, I have talent, but not quite developed. So, I can also say that the mood swings are also great. I can easily be highly elated and easily be depressed. And I've even had my biggest critic tell me that, 'most artists and poets are depressed and suicidal'! As if I wanted that!!!

Despite all this, I'm an optimist to the core and that is when I remembered a video at by Elizabeth Gilbert on creativity. She beautifully captures the fact that creativity is something on loan for you. It comes and goes, and if you have done a masterpiece, your genie did a great job. If not it didn't show up!

You cannot blame yourself for the success and failure of your work. Just live your life by doing what you want and enjoy each moment regardless of the outcome. Talent is a gift and it is not something others can judge you for. Having a talent, developing it, trying and failing, is all a stepping stone to the next endeavor, which may or may not be a success. But if that has satisfied you, then there is nothing to worry about. Satisfaction is the hardest to obtain. People's criticism will always be there. There will be at least one person in this world whose point of view will be opposite of yours. So forget people and their criticism. Take pride in what you do. That is my advise.

Anyways, here's the link to Elizabeth Gilbert's video. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did:


  1. i loveeee this video too !!! and its soooo true !!

  2. Dear Saf,brilliantly said. We all learn everyday,the important thing is to have an outlet for all that churns inside of you. You are gifted and like everything else, you have to be dedicated to your art to perfect it. It needs your total dedication and loyalty. We are all pulled in all different directions, where we struggle to give form to our internal yearnings.We explore our potential, push oursleves to the limits, and are our own worst critics. All this is a process, our own evolution in the chrysalis of our internal time. Do not be alarmed or worried when things dont happen. Inspiration if it must will come to you when you least expect it from the strangest quarters, that is the reality of every Artist...So hang on to your inherent creativity,Saf...We will see you bloom and you are always meant to..It is there in you,and those of us who have seen this side of you, cherish it...I saw This video of Gilbert,a year back, and in ways gave me such solace. It is one of the most inspiring videos for any creative person, haunted by the erratic presence/absence of his muse/inspiration.

  3. True. As long as we persevere and do our best, learn from our mistakes, keep an open mind and push ourselves out of our comfort zone and take risks, we won't be able to truly relish success. And the meaning of success is different for different individuals.
