Thursday, August 6, 2009

2 Years on Blogger and 75th Post!!!

I just noticed that this is my 2nd year on Blogger.

I began blogging after I read some inspirational quotes during my summer vacation and wanted to share them with everyone. Then I began posting good forward emails on my blog, 'coz last year after I returned from vacation there were so many emails in my inbox (not to mention I have half a dozen email ids multiplied by 100 emails...LOL), that I was concerned about my friends who check their emails only occassionally and what a nuisance my forward emails would be for them and how difficult it would be for them to retrieve important emails. So I decided to be a good girl and send forward emails only to people who check their emails often or who sends me forward emails often. Then I began blogging my thoughts and when the philosopher or poet within me decides to awaken, I jot them down too. And so blogging has become an obsession(??) Not quite. I can write only when I have the mood to write and that times. And these days I don't get as many forward emails as I used to, so posting forward emails is also lesser.

Now I'm thinking of writing book reviews/summaries or Japanese drama/anime/manga summaries. I don't know if I'll really do it, but I had a yahoo 360 site dedicated for that, then I got bored. Well, who knows. It all depends on my mood.

And speaking of 2nd anniversary of blogging, this is my 75th post on the blog!!! Cool, huh? I never thought I'd reach this far. Thanks to all the voluntary readers, followers and commenters. And for those whom I impose to read my blog, hehehe, thanks for yielding and bearing my writing. I really appreciate all your support!


  1. Congrats on multiple milestones.. :)
    Guess now i have someone to compete for the 100the blog post ;) but ya, you ve a better average of having reached 75 in jus 2 years!!! Huh.. How do you manage?? I am so lazy to blog these days ;)

  2. Thnx...I manage blogging so much these 'coz I don't have people around me to throw my daily tantrums on, so my blog is the victim..LOL...u r going to compete?? nooo...don't...I'm going to take things slowly...Lots of things to accomplish by December ;)
