Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Sky and the Stars

I happened to read an article today whicch was regarding Annual Perseid Meteor Shower this week...on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Well, when I read this article, I remembered our road trip to Saudi during Ramadan 3 years was on the 27th night of Ramadan. The road was pitch dark after we left Saudi border and there were a lot of trucks and a few cars. My sis and I were sitting in the rear seat of the car and all around us, it was pitch dark. After a while when I looked up the sky, it was beautiful!!!!! There were so many stars twinkling in the pitch dark sky. And believe me, I have never seen so many stars in this part of the world.

Then I sat there wondering, was this the miracle of Laylathul-Qadr? It is said that Laylathul Qadr falls on an odd night during the last 10 days of Ramadan and I have also heard that it could change every year. What is the significance of Laylathul Qadr? It is better than 1000 months. So, if you do a good deed on the eve of LAylathul Qadr, it is like you have done a good deed for 1000 months. It is the night when all the angels ascend down....

That night was beautiful! Subhanallah....nature is so very mystique and it engulfs me completely. I just love the serenity and tranquility it provides. Simple happiness.....

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