Thursday, August 6, 2009

Religion vs. Tradition and Culture

Well, this post is not to debate whether religion comes in front of tradition and culture or vice versa. But just my views about the same with respect to my observation. This is higly personal opinion and has no bias towards any religion or culture. Comments are welcome though.

Have you ver wondered what has always dominated most of the societies all over the world? How traditions were established and how religion was adapted? What dominates our life? Is it religion or tradition? When we speak of religion everyone has their own version of it. Some might be orthodox, highly adhering to religion or a little bit of religion here and there. Not many follow their religion to the core, not many can, 'coz of the society. Society has their own set of rules, which comes down as tradition or an established culture. And they expect everyone to follow cultural customs to the core. This influences in distorting religious outlook. Culture is made by people and it evolves over time. With time, many unwanted customs blend in with culture and it keeps evolving. And society expects people to follow culture.

Religion is God sent. It doesn't change, need not change. But the pace with which human beings run, we fail to keep up with Him, we forget Him and the obligation to Him and even to thank Him. People don't care to satisfy God, but they want to satisfy the society and believe me, society can never be satisfied. 'Coz if you are satisfying one sect of the society, there might be another sect who will not be satisfied. In the end, everyone is at a loss.

Culture and tradition keeps evolving and not everyone can keep up with the change in society. So it is better to live life your way and try to satisfy yourself and God. 'Coz in the end, you return to Him with all your deeds!

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